Citations favorites de l’été

Croisées ces derniers mois, quelques belles citations, à méditer au coeur de l’été, pour mieux embrasser le monde qui vient :

“L’avenir n’est pas ce qui va arriver, mais ce que nous allons faire“.
– Henri Bergson
« There are “only two ways to make money in business: One is to bundle; the other is unbundle.”
– Jim Barksdale, HBR
“The classical description of disruption in business, and especially technology, is that a new product (method, business model etc) appears that’s not as good as the existing way of doing things, but that’s much cheaper. The existing industry thinks it’s a joke, and certainly not a threat. But over time, it gets better while staying cheaper, and then, sooner or later, it’s not a joke at all”.
– Benedict Evans, février 2015
“How did you go bankrupt?”
Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”
—-Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises
« You have to let more of the world in. Or eventually the world will invent what you have with a different name ».
– Dave Winer (décembre 2014)
“When experts are wrong, it’s often because they’re experts on an earlier version of the world”.
– Paul Graham – décembre 2014
TV :
« La télévision et la radio n’ont plus le monopole. C’est un fait. L’accès à la culture et à l’information se fait désormais massivement par Internet (…) Internet, c’est une multitude de communautés, vivantes, variées, dynamiques. Bref tout le contraire d’un canal de distribution linéaire».
– Alexandre Brachet, Télérama, producteur fondateur d’Upian, avril 2015
“The simple act of gathering around a TV set to share the experience of watching a program together feels increasingly quaint”
– New York Times (février 2015)
« While younger audiences have always watched less television than older audiences, our audience research suggests that the connected generation are watching increasingly less television, and that they may be taking these habits with them as they age. »
– Ofcom, UK, décembre 2014
Internet TV is replacing linear TV.
Apps are replacing channels,
and screens are proliferating.
– Netflix, février 2015
“There’s nothing different about what we’re doing than what anyone else is doing on any media anywhere. TV networks are worried that you’ll figure out TV is over and there’s nothing special about it.”
– Jerry Seinfeld, avril 2015
‘Traditional TV viewing for teens and tweens is dead. Not dying. Dead.’
– Brian Robbins, CEO of multi-channel network (MCN) AwesomenessTV – avril 2015
« Internet, ce n’est pas la dernière manière de faire la même chose, c’est la première manière de faire autrement »
– Apocryphe
« Having a powerful computer in our pocket that is connected to billions of computers in other pockets in real time is the reality of our time. »
– Fred Wilson, Union Square Ventures (février 2015)
« Can you suggest a new media genre I have forgotten on this list? Something created in the last 20 years? A genre is a form that relies on a known stance of the audience. What am I missing?
New Media Genre
The 18 minute PowerPoint presentation
LOL cats/doge
100+ hour serial dramas
1-page blog post
Fan-Fic novels
Remixed movie trailers
Game playthroughs
Tweet storm
Lyric music videos
Binge-watched TV or movie series
Image memes
Temporarily extended commercials
40-Hour Video Game
Redubs/ Bad Lipsyncs
3 Minute video clips
140-Character tweets
Live video streaming from mobile
Machinima »
– Kevin Kelly, avr
« Leurs téléphones [ceux de la Génération Z] ne sont pas des téléphones : ce sont des hubs média qui permettent aussi d’appeler ».
– Brian Robbins, CEO de AwesomenessTV, avril 2015
« But it turns out we don’t want our rallying points to be phony events created for the sole purpose of bringing us together so the usual suspects can get richer ».
– Bob Lefetz, février 2015
« The communications pathway that defines the 21st century is broadband »
– FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler – (Cnet – janv)
« The leap from film to VR is even bigger than the leap from radio to film was. »
– DJ Roller, cinéaste, IndieWire – mars 2015
« The idea that in the future, news will be played rather than read is quiet hard for some pepople to think about »
– Janet Jones, professor in Journalism and Dean of Arts and Creative Industries at London South Bank university.